
Blog Objectives (blogjectives?)

I have finally managed to work this blog and podcasting project into my schedule at work. I am a faculty developer and instructional designer at the Center for 21st Century Teaching Excellence at the University of South Florida.

I plan to update this blog periodically with information related to instructional design and technology and its use to enhance instruction and student learning. This information will be presented via text on this blog and/or via podcasts. While this blog and the podcasts may be of special interest to instructors in higher education institutions, it will also be relevant to instructors in any field of learning.

The kind of information I plan to post includes:

  1. New developments in the field of instructional design and technology
  2. Quick and focused software and hardware tutorials
  3. Tips and tricks on using relevant software and hardware
  4. Introductions to relevant instructional software and hardware
  5. Innovative insights into and the application of existing technology to enhance instruction and learning
  6. Personal experiences with relevant instructional technology
  7. Links to external resources relevant to instructional technology

I hope that you enjoy reading my blog and that you return to check for updates and new podcast episodes.

Remember to bookmark (add to favorites) this blog [] and subscribe to my podcast by inserting this URL [] into your podcasting client (“Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast” | In iTunes).

Mp3 File Link: Update Announcement – Here I Go Again…
Neil Gomes – Podcast Episode 2 – Blog and Podcast Objectives

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